:: Free Webhosting List ::

No... I don't offer free hosting, but after spending HOURS searching for a good free webhost, I've decided to compile a list.
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1. AS Hosting (http://www.as-hosting.com) ::

  • 120 MB webspace, upgradable to 250 MB
  • No file-size limits (tested, just don't abuse it)
  • No file type restrictions (just don't use it as storage)
  • 8 GB bandwidth usage per month
  • 100% uptime (my own experience)
  • PHP (4.3.4), 10 mySQL databases (4.0.15)
  • CGI, Perl (5.8.1), SSI
  • Frontpage Extensions support
  • 100 Email accounts with unlimited mail forwarding
  • 5 FTP accounts
  • Browser upload through file manager
  • cPanel 8.5.4 (theme: cPanel X v2.2.6)
  • Free Domain or Subdomain hosting
  • 10 Subdomains provided
  • Hotlinking allowed (optional)
  • NO forced ads (no strings attached)
Cron jobs, phpMyAdmin, website statistics, file manager, mail manager, FTP manager, backup utility and much more from cPanel. Fantastico is also included, which gives you one-click installation and setup of scripts that use mySQL - supported scripts are listed below.

Portals: PHP-Nuke, Post-Nuke, phpWebsite, Xoops

Blogs: b2, pMachine Free, Customer Relationship, PHP Support Tickets, Support Services Manager

Discussion Boards: phpBB and Invision Board

Other Scripts: OS Commerce, 4images Gallery, PHPauction, PHProjekt, phpLinks, Moodle, Noahs Classifieds, PHPlist, WebCalendar

Before I forget... they have a dedicated administration team with a fast response time, they're also a rather stable webhost, with revenue from Google ads to keep things free. My site is currently hosted with them.

2. Illusion FX Net (http://www.illusionfxnet.com) ::

  • 250/500 MB webspace (subdomain/domain)
  • No file type restrictions (just don't use it as storage)
  • UN-METERED bandwidth usage
  • PHP4, 1 mySQL 4.x database
  • CGI, Perl, SSI, SSL
  • Frontpage Extensions support
  • Unlimited POP3 Email accounts
  • FTP/Browser upload
  • cPanel 8.2.0 (theme: cPanel X v2.2.4)
  • Free Domain or Subdomain hosting
  • Hotlinking allowed (optional)
  • NO forced ads (no strings attached)

Cron jobs, phpMyAdmin, website statistics, file manager, mail manager, FTP manager, backup utility and much more from cPanel.

Didn't really have a good experience with this webhost - my account was removed due to inactivity, so it looks like you can't have an empty account or an account with no traffic sitting there and expect it to remain there for a few months.

3. SonneX Hosting (http://www.sonnexh.com) ::

  • 35 MB webspace, no file-size limits
  • No file type restrictions (measure may be put into place if abused)
  • 3 GB bandwidth usage per month
  • PHP4, 8 mySQL databases
  • CGI, Perl 5
  • Frontpage Extensions support
  • 10 Email accounts with unlimited mail forwarding
  • FTP/Browser upload (10 FTP accounts)
  • cPanel 8 (theme: cPanel X2)
  • Free Domain or Subdomain hosting
  • Hotlinking allowed (optional)
  • NO forced ads (you'll need to make 50 posts on their forums)

Cron jobs, phpMyAdmin, website statistics, file manager, mail manager, FTP manager, backup utility and much more from cPanel, the Vertex cPanel skin is the BEST I've ever seen, it looks professional and easy to use - I love it to bits. The only thing they don't have full support on their free server is ASP (they have partial support, such as the Apache::ASP Perl module).

Before I forget... being active in the forum community will entitle you tp upgrades! Also, they have dedicated support admins, I know all of them and I do intend to join them in their support forums soon :) this webhost seems to be here to stay, and with their structure and the dedication of the owner, they'll be around for pretty long.

4. JC Hosting (http://www.jc-hosting.co.uk) ::

  • 30 MB webspace, no file-size limits
  • No file type restrictions
  • UN-METERED bandwidth usage
  • PHP, 1 mySQL database
  • CGI, Perl, SSI, SSL support
  • POP3 Email (Domains only)
  • FTP/Browser upload
  • Free Domain or Subdomain hosting
  • Hotlinking allowed (optional)
  • NO forced ads (no strings attached)

PhpMyAdmin, file manager, mail manager, FTP manager available. Forum support seems decent, however, I've only one qualm about this webhost - its server seems rather slow.

5. Web1000 (http://www.web1000.com) ::

50 MB free disk space
Unlimited bandwidth
FTP account
username.web1000.com + many others

NO ADS - no strings attached

The only thing about this site is that it does not support PHP and MySQL for security reasons. Average support.

6. FateBack (http://www.fateback.com) ::

60 MB Web Storage
Domain Name Hosting
Free POP3 Email Account
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited Sites
FTP Account
Web Based File Manager
99.5% Uptime Guarantee
24/7 Network Monitoring
username.fateback.com + 10 more

200kb file size limit
NO ADS - no strings attached

The only bad things here are the file size limits and the lack of database/scripting support. AMAZING support.
:: ra[g]e ::

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